Meeting room set up for plenary session at ATCM XLV. First row for Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties (in alphabetical order), followed by chairs for additional delegates, and second row for Observers, and Expert organizations.
Meeting room set up for plenary session at ATCM XLV. First row for Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties (in alphabetical order), followed by chairs for additional delegates, and second row for Non-Consultative Parties, Observers, and Expert…
Opening session of ATCM XLV. From the left: Diego Wydler (ATS), Daniela PS Waldwing (ATS), Albert Lluberas Bonaba (ATS, ATCM Secretary), Päivi Kaukoranta (ATCM Chair) and Tiina Jortikka-Laitinen (Host Country Secretary)
Opening session of ATCM XLV. From the left: Diego Wydler (ATS), Daniela PS Waldwing (ATS), Albert Lluberas Bonaba (ATS, ATCM Secretary), Päivi Kaukoranta (ATCM Chair) and Tiina Jortikka-Laitinen (Host Country Secretary)
CEP Meeting front table. From left to right: Anna Balok (ATS), Pablo Wainschenker (ATS), Birgit Naajstad (CEP Chair, Norway), Cecilie Von Quillfeld (Norway)