Browse Items (6 total)

Above, left to right: Sergio Marenssi y Máximo Gowland. Below, left to right: Mariano Mémolli, Fausto López Crozet (HoD) y Rodolfo Sánchez.

Left to right: Máximo Gowland, Rodolfo Sánchez, Fausto López Crozet, María Elena Daverio, Mariano Memolli and Sergio Marenssi.

Left to right: Fausto López Crozet (ARG), Tito Acero (STA), Ewan Mc Ivor (AUS), Rodolfo Sánchez (ARG) and Máximo Gowland (ARG)

Delegates during a break of CEP XI Meeting (Kiyv, Ukraine, 2008)

Official reception for the XXIX ATCM inauguration in Edinburgh Castle (United Kingdom). Left to right: Ewan Mc Ivor (AUS), Rodolfo Sánchez (ARG), Roderick Downie (UK) and Tom Maggs (AUS).

Members of the Review Team of Guidelines for Sites Receiving Visitors (2006). Left to right: Jane Rumble (UK), Rodolfo Sánchez (ARG), Kim Crosbie (IAATO), Ron Naveen (USA), Stephen Powell (AUS) and Birgit Njastaad (NOR).
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