Browse Items (6 total)

Members of the Review Team of Guidelines for Sites Receiving Visitors (2006). Left to right: Jane Rumble (UK), Rodolfo Sánchez (ARG), Kim Crosbie (IAATO), Ron Naveen (USA), Stephen Powell (AUS) and Birgit Njastaad (NOR).

Official reception for the XXIX ATCM inauguration in Edinburgh Castle (United Kingdom). Left to right: Ewan Mc Ivor (AUS), Rodolfo Sánchez (ARG), Roderick Downie (UK) and Tom Maggs (AUS).

Delegates during a break of CEP XI Meeting (Kiyv, Ukraine, 2008)

Left to right: Fausto López Crozet (ARG), Tito Acero (STA), Ewan Mc Ivor (AUS), Rodolfo Sánchez (ARG) and Máximo Gowland (ARG)

Left to right: Máximo Gowland, Rodolfo Sánchez, Fausto López Crozet, María Elena Daverio, Mariano Memolli and Sergio Marenssi.

Above, left to right: Sergio Marenssi y Máximo Gowland. Below, left to right: Mariano Mémolli, Fausto López Crozet (HoD) y Rodolfo Sánchez.

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