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ATCM XXX picture 01.jpg
From left to right: Paul Davies (Secretariat) Secretary, Olav Orheim (Norway) Chair and Jan Huber (Secretariat) Executive Secretary

The chairman Mr Richard Rowe (center), Secretary Dr. Manfred Reinke (right) and Deputy Secretary mr Andrew Jackson (left) at the opening plenary session held in Hobart, Tasmania Australia

ATCM XXXIV picture 06.jpg
From left to right: Pablo Wainschenker (Secretariat) assistant, Jose María Acero (Secretariat) Secretary, Yves Frenot (France) CEP Chair and Dominique Dalmas (France) assistant

ATCM XXX picture 04.jpg
From left to right: Pablo Wainschenker (Secretariat), José María Acero (Secretariat) and Neil Gilbert (New Zealand) CEP Chair.

ATCM XXXI picture 06.jpg
From left to right: Ewan McIvor (Australia) andTania Brito (Brazil) Vicechairs of the CEP, Serhiy Komisarenko (Ukraine) ATCM XXXI Chair, Mr. Jan Huber (Secretariat) Executive Secretary of the ATCM and Valery Lytvynov (Ukraine) Secretary

ATCM XXXI picture 05.jpg
From left to right: Tania Brito (Brazil) Vicechair of the CEP, Serhiy Komisarenko (Ukraine) ATCM XXXI Chair and Mr. Jan Huber (Secretariat) Executive Secretary

ATCM XXXI picture 01.jpg
From left to right: Serhiy Komisarenko (Ukraine) Chair of ATCM XXXI, Jan Huber (Secretariat) Executive Secretary, Valery Lytvynov (Ukraine) Secretary
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